What is Reality?
Reality is what we make of it; it's our programming. Science is only going so far as to catch up with what mystics have known for ages.
What would you do if you could do or change anything?
Haven't you had enough of the same?
Gone are the days when kings or leaders reigned supreme over the masses. No more false idols. The path forward lies in localization, self-empowerment, and sovereignty—the only means to surmount the challenges. We cannot resolve issues using the same level of consciousness that created them. Reality takes on a unique form for each individual, offering various blueprints for archetypal kings and queens to attain their own prosperity and freedom, regardless of their present circumstances.
Harnessing our inner strength necessitates a consistent summoning of our latent power. To achieve this, we must discard the countless absurd suggestions perpetuated by media outlets and peers alike, compelling us to endure unnecessary suffering. We must shed the weight of emotional burdens and awaken to invoke our godlike potential for healing—physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially. If you believe it and act upon that belief, it becomes your reality. We have the capacity to transform every aspect of our existence, and in due course, we will. Perhaps the initial hurdle is recognizing how it all operates. How deeply do you care?
Each of us carries a unique orbit of memories, emotions, thoughts, and visions. We maintain diverse social circles, families, ancestries, and life experiences. We are all supported by one another, by angels, by Earth, the Sun, the stars, and our Creator, but only when we request that support. After all, we possess free will. Our traumas and patterns must be reframed; otherwise, they will continue to replay. There isn't a single individual or group with the authority or vision to guide or control the rest. The journey to awakening our true potential is an individual endeavor that demands significant effort.
Having spent a lifetime scrutinizing the public education systems, banks, mass media, corporations, Hollywood, de jure government, and corporations masquerading as government, I've discerned that we are being led towards increased desires, fears, and impoverishment, thereby perpetuating suffering. We follow along as we choose savior over sovereignty. Empowerment is the process of stepping outside the confines of the established system. Knowledge is the key to attaining financial abundance and freedom. You can't vote your way to a better life; the change occurs when you actively shape it with your hands and body. No one is coming to save us regardless of how charismatically they speak.
Pay attention to how and when you relinquish your power, whether legally, financially, or energetically. Subscribing to subpar narratives often results in dissatisfaction. Movies, TV shows, celebrities, and sports were crafted to program us and keep us preoccupied. Are you actively reprogramming your life, or are you merely drifting in the predetermined current? End this cycle by taking responsibility even though we have all been victims.
Photography credit: https://www.instagram.com/monicagsalamon/