MMS - Chlorine Dioxide - the miracle mineral supplement.


Click here to learn how I use it…

It appears too good to be true. While watching the documentary Quantum Leap, the global healing revolution, I felt like I found my tribe. My body resonated with their sentiments and lit me on fire. I will never stop sharing what I have witnessed.

The film shared many incurable illnesses like arthritis, AIDS, malaria, diabetes, cancer, and antibiotic-resistant infections are most certainly curable when it is not a person’s time to go. Another wacky benefit of this therapy is that relieving all inflammation through detoxification has the potential to resolve chronic pain. You can have no cartilage left in a joint and be pain-free.

There are always awful stories in the news about people losing limbs and lives to flesh-eating bacteria. Most of my friends mention their different life sentences in regard to illnesses or pain they grip onto out of habit and a lack of vision. If the world cannot share this basic truth about healing, why?

An answer always comes to mind in my repeated inquiries and I speculate it is only partially about money. The level and depth of corruption feel far more sinister. I’ve gone down the rabbit hole and have a rough perspective.


With the control of information that spans beyond my lifetime I’ve concluded, there are people who don’t want us to heal. With that determination, I also speculate that they truly believe there are too many humans alive. Did you know there is a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation project for population control?

How can we not see the world as dark when the cards have always been stacked against our well-being? It is when we understand our suffering was unnecessary that we start to see this supremely dark outline.

A few people have surely hated MMS but I feel these goobers were paid to dismiss it or they used it incorrectly. What we are witnessing today is just the pinnacle of an information war and it will end when enough people see through it, make it known, and choose the path of real healing.

We, the people, will take our power back. We have absolutely no reason to fear for our lives and that is the truth. We are immortal souls having a human experience and we will go on there after this life, no matter what happens. Some of our work in this war requires us to come to terms with what is really going on and what is actually helping us to heal mentally and physically.

As mentioned in the documentary and by me many times before, when someone is ill they are either missing a nutrient(s) or carrying too much toxicity. Symptoms expose the situation to us by expressing pain, blisters, unreasonable exhaustion, or a loss of function. Chlorine dioxide is an intelligent and selective detoxifier. A potent weapon for us in this unrestricted war against our quality of life and life itself.


One version of science: a virus is something the body excretes when poisoned. According to Dr. Tom Cowan, author of The Contagion Myth, viruses are natural reactions to poison in the blood. Coronavirus is just one of many expressions the blood can eject out...

Another version I resonate with is that was claimed by the US government in 1954 is that viruses are simply submicroscopic parasites. It makes sense considering most react so well to parasitic treatments like ivermectin, proper diets, and detoxification.

This whole pandemic was not what we were told from the beginning. That becomes more and more evident over time as Fauci’s emails were released and many of us break down the contents to learn of COVID-19’s true origins. We paid for this and it isn’t as bad as the mainstream narrative would like us to believe.

It is ourselves against ourselves.
— Alan Watts

In my life, I have experienced both malnourishment and toxicity in myself and corrected these issues by healing trauma, changing my diet, taking supplements, and focusing on behavioral change. The worst thing that can happen is that you believe your doctor when they tell you there is no cure and that you will need to be on a medicine for the rest of your life.

As a personal anecdote, I was able to get off epilepsy and thyroid medicines many years ago without negative consequences, long-term. I did feel pretty electric for a while after tapering off the epilepsy medicine but an important thing to consider is that the medicine made my condition worse in addition to causing mineral imbalances. I was never electric like that before starting to take it 5 years prior. For me, it had turned into an addiction that literally invited a seizure if I forgot to take it. Before the medicine, I would only have a seizure if I was really stressed out or if I sipped cheap alcohol.

My partner, Alex, had TSW(topical steroid withdrawal) for four awful years. Our lives were put on hold in order to handle the ramifications of a deadly and deceitful pharmaceutical drug. It was understood to be dangerous more than 50 years ago but the data continues to be ignored in favor of traumatizing millions of more unsuspecting babies, children, and adults. This is just a drop in the ocean of ongoing torture monopolized medicine is responsible for. There has always been a better way. This is a deadly and deceitful predicament.

One of the biggest risks to topical steroid withdrawal is getting an infection. With this illness, the body rejects its own skin, at times all organs, and all the victim is left with is susceptible, oozing flesh. It takes many years to detox a body from corticosteroids. Some people don’t even survive it.

Corticosteroids should only be used for two weeks at a time with many, many months between yet it is the standard treatment for life-long eczema. Eczema before corticosteroids were invented was often resolved over time. Today it is a life-long condition because of the treatment. Well, until the creams give you lymphoma and then you have another issue to contend with.

Topical steroids hide symptoms so a person can go back to their regularly scheduled life but there is a rebound and the subsequent need for more. A chlorine-dioxide bath, which is anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial, prevented Alex from ever having an infection in his 4 years of recovery. Now that is miraculous. We almost lost a friend to a viral infection during her recovery.

It also helped my own skin health by resolving breakouts and blemishes that persistently gave me grief. Yes, it smells like bleach. No, the chemicals are not at all related. It might smell scary to the untrained nose.

MMS kills malaria within 24 hours when ingested. It detoxifies the body and neutralizes antibiotic-resistant illnesses internally and externally. The modern medicine pitfall is that petro-pharmaceuticals quit working as diseases mutate. Pure chemicals like chlorine dioxide and dimethylsulfoxide never become ineffective no matter how many mutations occur. They offload bacteria, viruses, and fungus that are out of place or overgrown. They rid the body of inflammation and effectively restore health.

We can relieve all suffering in the world with the truth. The tipping point is just around the corner but it starts with those who know spreading the word.

Watch this documentary:

We’re counting the genocide. Check this out.


How I have used:


The most potent version comes with two bottles. You activate by combining in a glass for each use.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and am only authorized to share what I have heard from other practitioners and doctors. You are responsible for your well-being.

It is best to make sure you are making 2-3 bowel movements a day before attempting any detoxification process. Support your liver. Support your emotions. Lower your stress.

  • One drop of citric acid and one drop of the mineral solution into a large empty glass

  • Don’t breath it in and wait only 15 seconds for it to adjust.

  • Add 16 ounces of water and ask the conscious of water, the Wilka Nusta, to bless the water.

  • Drink it slowly and feel how it fills your empty stomach

Detoxification is actually very dangerous so we always start with a tiny dose. 3x a day on an empty stomach. After 3 days increase a drop. After a week add another drop. Take breaks. Add probiotics at other times. Matter of fact make your own probiotics:

Yogurt Maker and the book that tells you what probiotics do what: Super Gut by William Davis


After you have a full bath tub mix 20 drops of each solution in a glass. Be very careful to not breath in. It does turn into a gas. Allow it to change brown a good 15 seconds and then poor it into your bath. This is tremendous for anyone fighting infections on their skin.



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